TSCA Webinar: Virtual Elementary and Middle School Counseling

  • June 23, 2020
  • 5:00 PM
  • https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6NGGykIlQeWDoueP-ie1Ug

When: Jun 23, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Please note that a recording on this webinar will be available afterwards on our members only page.

Topic: Virtual Elementary and Middle School Counseling

The Virtual Elementary and Middle School Counseling webinar will be conducted by Whitney Cress, the K-8 school counselor for North Carolina Virtual Academy. She successfully reaches and meets the social and emotional needs of her students in a virtual environment. Whitney has a background in the public brick and mortar school setting and a virtual setting, so she understands the difficult transition it takes to counsel virtually. Although there are barriers to virtual school counseling, there are many positives as well. Whitney will explain her role, what she has found works and does not work, and how you can adapt your program to what your school and students need. 

Together we will address:

- Daily roles and responsibilities

- How to successfully connect and engage with students

- Types of virtual counseling: Individual, small groups, support groups, whole group

- Reflect on the needs of YOUR school and how to move forward

Whitney Cress, M. ED SCON (North Carolina K-8 School Counselor)

Whitney Cress has a Masters of Education in School Counseling. She has worked two years in public brick and mortar elementary schools, and two years as a K-8 virtual school counselor at North Carolina Virtual Academy with K12 schools.

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